
updated on 14.10.2012

Date Event
06.09.2012 1st meeting with the client and Dr. Ting at the University
20.09.2012 2nd meeting with the client at client's workplace
11.10.2012 3rd meeting with the client at client's workplace
14.10.2012 Deliver Detailed Project Plan and Setup Website
15.10.2012 to 21.10.2012 Meeting with Dr. Ting
25.10.2012 4th meeting with the client at client's workplace
Mid-November Build up database
Meeting with Dr. Ting
15.11.2012 5th meeting with the client at client's workplace
29.11.2012 6th meeting with the client at client's workplace
End-Novemeber Deliver UI
December Coding
13.12.2012 7th meeting with the client at client's workplace
20.12.2012 8th meeting with the client at client's workplace
January Prepare 1st Presentation
03.01.2013 9th meeting with the client at client's workplace
Mid-January Deliver half-finished system
17.01.2013 10th meeting with the client at client's workplace
27.01.2013 (Phase II) Deliver preliminary implementation and Detailed interim report