Car Pooling

One might ask what the need of a car pooling application is, people can simply co-ordinate on free chat platforms like Facebook and Whatsapp however my application performs many different sets of tasks. The application is going to be a simple car-pooling and sharing application that reduces travel time, travel cost and increases fuel efficiency. Every subscriber has something called a Circle. A Circle is basically a group of friends who are registered on this application. Registration can be through an email-id or even linked to Facebook accounts. For example if one wants to travel from starting point A to destination B one must log on to this application and input the travel details which includes the destination, travel time and preferably the route. The application has is a two way process, there exists a provider of car-pool services and an accepter. If someone is traveling in their personal cars then they become the provider's and the people who would wish to tag along on similar routes become the accepters. Both the provider and the accepter must have each other in their respective circles. The reason I limit the Circle is due to security reasons as it is not safe to travel with random strangers. However one's Circle can be expanded by adding people from other's Circle. For example if I consider my parents Circle feasible and safe then I can add it to mine. This will enlarge my Circle also. The question then arises as to why would anyone want to provide a ride to other people in the Circle. The first and foremost reason being that at some point one would require a ride from someone else too. Another reason could be that there might be some form of mutual remuneration provided. And finally people in your Circle are no strangers, they might be friends of friends and so on. This is a good way to socialize as we spend a bulk amount of our time stuck in traffic.