
Team Notebook
  1. Stanford ACM Team Notebook
  2. Team Notebook of FAR (a former HKU team advanced to World Final 2009)
  3. HKU Algorithms Library - This website contains implementations of many common algorithms.
Online tutorials
  1. Standford CS Course: Introduction to Competitive Programming Contests [Recommended] - This website contains a lot of tutorials and exercises for your self-learning.
  2. Top Coder Algorithm Tutorials[Recommended]
  3. 演算法筆記 - A great Chinese website on algorithms.
  4. Algorithmist
  5. World of Seven - Methods to Solve
  6. Geometry, Surfaces, Curves, Polyhedra
  7. HKU Algorithms Library
Online judges
  1. CodeForces (CF in short) [Recommended] - This is the online judge we start to use in 2013.
  2. Peking University Judge Online for ACM/ICPC (POJ in short) [Recommended] - This is the online judge we are still using.
  3. UVa Online Judge - This is probably the oldest and the most famous online judge. Many of our old members have excellent records in UVa. However, the judge has become extremely slow and hence we moved to POJ.
  4. USACO Training Gateway
  5. Timus Online Judge
  6. Zhejiang University Online Judge
  7. Saratov State University Online Judge
  8. UVa toolkit - Tools for UVa.
  9. igor's UVa tools - Tools for UVa.
  10. UVa Online Judge Discussion Board - Discussion Board for UVa. Location to find hints.