GMP 2000    

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The following is an author kit to help you in the preparation of your paper.

PLEASE NOTE: Your paper is due by 20 January 2000.
PLEASE NOTE: A signed copyright release form is due by 20 January 2000.

Please put the conference name - GMP'00 - on all correspondence, on the copyright form, and on any mailing envelope. This will assure that your correspondence is directed immediately to my desk.
Authors with papers exceeding twelve (12) pages must seek approval from the conference program chairs.

About pape limit 
        The page quota is 12.

We hope you have received information from IEEE CS Press for submitting the camera ready version of your paper. Please note that, due to budgetary considerations, to control the total number of pages allowed in the proceedings, we would like to request you not to increase the length of your paper by more than 10& over the version that was reviewed. In case, after typeset in the IEEE proceedings style as provided by IEEE CS Press, your paper exceeds 12 pages, please contact conference program co-chairs as soon as possible for approval. Such requests can be entertained only if there are pages unused by other papers.


*Please Note: No color pages or extra (beyond 10) halftones will be printed, unless authors who need it agree to bear the cost themselves.

Please submit your paper electronically to our FTP site.

The paper should be uploaded at:
Please prepare your paper as plain ASCII PostScript only, with NO encoding, condensing, or encapsulation,
Please use TrueType 1 fonts wherever possible. Do not use bitmapped fonts such as Computer Modern if you can avoid it. Guidelines for generating and submitting PostScript files are available on our Internet site at:


Please save your file using your last name and first initial. Example - John Smith's file would be
If you are submitting two or more files, please number them:,, etc. If you are submitting a revised version of your paper, save it as: If there is a file with the same name already in the directory, please use a variation. Files are regularly moved off the FTP site. Please do not re-post your paper if you do not see it on the site.


When transferring files to the FTP site, if you have a choice between ASCII and binary modes, use binary.
Although ASCII mode works well most of the time, binary mode incurs fewer problems.

 Our FTP site: 
 Log on as: anonymous 
 Place files in subdirectory: pub/incoming/proceedings/gmp00

Please FAX your signed copyright release form to
 ATTN: Danielle Young at (714) 761-1784.
 We cannot publish your paper without this permission.
 PLEASE NOTE: The copyright form is an attachment to this e-mail.
 If you prefer, you may mail your copyright form to the following address:

ATTN: Danielle Young - GMP'00 
IEEE Computer Society Press 
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle 
Los Alamitos, California 90720-1314 USA


If, for some reason, you cannot send an electronic copy of your paper you may submit it as camera-ready hard copy after receiving permission from editor.

Please print your camera-ready manuscript on plain white paper (A4 is acceptable). Your manuscript must be camera-ready. If the print is gray or broken, it will appear that way in the completed book. Manuscripts will be photographed and printed just as they are.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a $10.00 per page charge which will be collected by the conference for hard copies. Please make checks out to GMP'00 and identify the conference and paper/author for each check.

Please send hard-copy charges to:

Attn: Professor S.T. Tan - GMP'00
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong, China 

Mail your paper with your copyright form, and enclose a note explaining that you could not submit it to our FTP site (so I won't be searching for it). We recommend using a courier service to insure your paper arrives here on time.

Please send the hard copy to Danielle Young at the following address:
ATTN: Danielle Young - GMP'00
IEEE Computer Society Press
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, California 90720-1314 USA
Your hard-copy paper must be received by 20 January 2000.


All proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society are now being included in the IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, and are available on-line through our Web site. An E-mailed abstract of your paper is necessary for putting your paper into the on-line version of the GMP'00 Proceedings.

Please send an electronic copy of your abstract, as an e-mail in ASCII format and including the paper title, keywords, author names, addresses, and affiliations, to <>. If you do not have e-mail, please save your abstract in ASCII format on a disk and send the disk with your copyright release form.


There are several customized attachments to this author kit. They contain:

Instructions on formatting your paper for the proceedings.

A copyright release form that MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED WITH YOUR PAPER. Note that you are stating that the material in your paper is original and you have not previously released copyright to it. We cannot publish your paper without this properly filled-out and signed form.

To use if you wish reprints of your paper. Please make checks for reprints out to the IEEE Computer Society. (The reprints.pdf attachment below will allow you to type your information directly into the form before you print it out.)

The authkit.txt attachment is a plain ASCII text file that is an overall guide with instructions for formatting, a copy of the copyright form and a copy of the reprint form. There are three additional attachments in PDF file format for Adobe Acrobat. They are instruct.pdf, copyright.pdf, and reprints.pdf. These files, while containing the same information as authkit.txt, are formatted to be easier to read and fill out.
If attached files become unusable during transmission for any reason, you may also access uncustomized copies of them at our FTP site. Available at:

LaTeX formatting macros are also available on our FTP site.
Proceedings 8 ½ x 11 format - Filename: LATEX8.txt

Available at:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Danielle Young
Production Editor 
IEEE Computer Society Press
10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1314
Fax: (714) 761-1784 

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