GMP 2000    

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Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000

(Theory and Applications)

The Council Chamber, Floor 8, Meng-Wah Complex
Hong Kong April 10-12, 2000

Organized by The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

In cooperation with
The Institute of Mathematics and Its Application, UK
The Geometric Modeling Society, UK
and The IEEE Computer Society, Hong Kong Chapter
SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers), Hong Kong Chapter
SIAM Activity Group on Geometric Design
HKIE-CAI (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers --
Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division)

Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000 (GMP 2000) will be held in Hong Kong on April 10-12, 2000. GMP 2000 is the first in a biennial international conference series on solid modeling, shape representation and geometric computation. Modeling and processing of geometric shape is fundamental to many disciplines, such as computer graphics, computer vision, CAD/CAM, medical imaging and scientific computation. GMP 2000 will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange and discuss problems and new solutions in geometric design. The next GMP conference, GMP2002, will be held in Tokyo, Japan.

The major topics include:

  • Curves and Surfaces
  • Mathematical Foundations of CAGD
  • Shape Representation and Reasoning
  • Solid Modeling

We also welcome the studies of specific problems arising from CAGD applications, such as

  • Feature Modeling
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Mesh Generation for Analysis