GMP 2000    

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Last updated on 05/04/2000

The Council Chamber
Floor 8, Meng-Wah Complex
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Please click here for the map!

Day One: April 10, 2000, Monday
8:15 - 8:45 Registration
Opening Session
8:45 - 9:00

Session 1: Model Acquisition and Reverse Engineering
Chair: Wim Bronsvoort

9:00 - 9:40

Invited Presentation

Reverse Engineering B-rep models from Multiple Point Clouds

Tamas Varady and Pal Benko

9:40 - 10:20

Invited Presentation

A System for Constructing Boundary Representation Solid Models from a Two-Dimensional Sketch

P.A.C. Varley and R.R. Martin

10:20 - 10:45

Rapid 3D Model Acquisition from Images of Small Objects

Wee Kheng Leow, Zhiyong Huang, Yong Zhang, and Rudy Setiono

10:45 - 11:10
Coffee Break
Session 2: Analysis and Applications of Geometric Models
Chair: Myung-Soo Kim
11:10 - 11:50

Invited Presentation

Geometric Processing for Analysis

C.G. Armstrong, R.M. McKeag, H. Ou, and M.A. Price

11:50 - 12:15

A Feature-Based Approach to Automatic Injection Mold Generation

Zhenyong Zhou, Shuming Gao, Zhengchao Gu, and Jiaoying Shi

12:15 - 12:40

Effect of Fabric Properties on Cloth Draping Modeling

C.K. Au, Z. Wu, and M.M.F. Yuen

12:40 - 14:00
Lunch Break
Session 3: Model Representations and Parameterized Design
Chair: Hiromasa Suzuki
14:00 - 14:40

Invited Presentation

A Representation Independent Geometric Modeling Kernel

A.E. Middleditch, C.M.P. Reade, and A.J. Gomes

14:40 - 15:05

Dimension-Driven Parameterized Design of Free Form Objects

Kai-Ming Yu and Wei-Ming Zhu

15:05 - 15:30

On Families of Objects and their Semantics

Rafael Bidarra and Willem F. Bronsvoort

15:30 - 15:50
Coffee Break
Session 4: Proximity Query and Voronoi Regions
Chair: Weiyin Ma
15:50 - 16:30

Invited Presentation

Proximity Queries for Modeling and Manufacturing

S. Cameron and J. Pitt-Francis

16:30 - 16:55

Distance Computation between Non-Convex Polyhedra at Short Range Based on Discrete Voronoi Regions

Katsuaki Kawachi and Hiromasa Suzuki

16:55 - 17:20

A Sequence of Generalized Coordinate Systems Based on Voronoi Diagrams and Its Application to Interpolation

Hisamoto Hiyoshi and Kokichi Sugihara

Day Two: April 11, 2000, Tuesday
8:30 - 9:00 Registration
Session 5: Approximation and Interpolation Methods I
Chair: Les Piegl
9:00 - 9:40

Invited Presentation

Poisson Approximation

Ron Goldman and Geraldine Morin

9:40 - 10:05

Recursive Formulae for Hermite Polynomial Approximations to Rational Bezier Curves

Ligang Liu and Guojin Wang

10:05 - 10:30

Constrained Piecewise Bicubic Bezier Surface Interpolation

Caiming Zhang and Fuhua (Frank) Cheng, and Brian Barsky

10:30 - 10:50
Coffee Break
Session 6: Approximation and Interpolation Methods II
Chair: Fuhua (Frank) Cheng
10:50 - 11:15

After Thoughts on Curve Interpolation

Eugene Lee

11:15 - 11:40

Approximating NURBS Curves by Arc Splines

Xunnian Yang and Guozhao Wang

11:40 - 12:05

A Method of Shape Control of Curve Design

Qi Duan, T. Chen, K. Djidjeli, W.G. Price, and E.H. Twizell

12:40 - 14:00
Lunch Break
Session 7: Mesh Processing and Subdivision Surfaces I
Chair: Ahmad Nasri
14:00 - 14:25

Robust Watermarking of Polygonal Meshes

Michael G. Wagner

14:25 - 14:50

On-Line Polygon Refining Using a Low Computation Subdivision Algorithm

Yuan-Chung Lee and Chein-Wei Jen

14:50 - 15:15

Using Most Isometric Parametrizations for Remeshing Polygonal Surfaces

U. Labsik, K. Hormann, and G. Greiner

15:15 - 15:40

Polyhedral Surface Smoothing with Simultaneous Mesh Regularization

Yutaka Ohtake, Alexander Belyaev, and Ilia Bogaevski

15:40 - 16:10
Coffee Break
Session 8: Mesh Processing and Subdivision Surfaces II
Chair: Brian Barsky
16:10 - 16:35

Approximate Shortest Path on Polyhedral Surfaces Based on Selective Refinement of the Discrete Graph and Its Applications

Takashi Kanai and Hiromasa Suzuki

16:35 - 17:00

Generating Fair Meshes with Boundary Conditions

Robert Scheider and Leif Kobbelt

17:00 - 17:25

A Polygonal Approach For Interpolating Meshes Of Curves by Subdivision Surfaces

Ahmad H. Nasri

17:25 - 17:50

Catmull-Clark Surfaces Fitting for Reverse Engineering Applications

Weiyin Ma and Nailiang Zhao

Bus Leaves
19:30 - 22:00


Day Three: April 12, 2000, Wednesday
8:30 - 9:00 Registration
Session 9: Minkowski Roots, Parametrization, and Implicitization
Chair: Falai Chen
9:00 - 9:40

Invited Presentation

Minkowski Roots of Complex Sets

Rida T. Farouki, Weiqing Gu, and Hwan Pyo Moon

9:40 - 10:20

Invited Presentation

Rational Parametrization of Canal Surface by 4 Dimensional Minkowski Pythagorean Hodograph Curves

Hyeong In Choi and Doo Seok Lee

10:20 - 10:45

Implicitization by Dixon A-resultants

Eng-Wee Chionh, Ming Zhang, and Ron Goldman

10:45 - 11:10
Coffee Break
Session 10: Computation in Geometric Modeling
Chair: Qunshen Peng
11:10 - 11:50

Invited Presentation

Interval Methods in Geometric Modeling

Adrian Bowyer, J. Berchtold, David Eisenthal, Irina Voiculescu, Kevin Wise

11:50 - 12:15

Bounding Interval Rational Bezier Curves with Internal Polynomial Bezier Curves

Falai Chen, Thomas W. Sederberg, and Wenping Lou

12:15 - 12:40

A Computational Model for Nonrational Bisector Surfaces: Curve-Surface and Surface-Surface Bisectors

Gershon Elber and Myung-Soo Kim

12:40 - 14:00
Lunch Break
Session 11: Geometric Processing and Tolerancing
Chair: Erich Hartmann
14:00 - 14:40

Invited Presentation

On Optimal Tolerancing in Computer-Aided Design

H Pottmann, B. Odehnal, M.Peternell, J. Wallner, and R. Ait Haddou

14:40 - 15:05

Fast Conversion of Dynamic B-Spline Curves Into a Set of Power Form Polynomial Curves

Deok-Soo Kim, Joonghyun Ryu, Hyunchan Lee, Hayong Shin, Joonyoung Park, and Taeboom Jang

15:05 - 15:30

Surface Slicing Algorithm for Rapid Prototyping and Machining

Cha-Soo Jun, Dong-Soo Kim, Ji Seon Hwang, and Tien-Chien Chang

15:30 - 15:50
Coffee Break
Session 12: Geometric Operations
Chair: Ralph Martin
15:50 - 16:15

-Blending with Rolling Ball Contact Curves

Erich Hartmann

16:15 - 16:40

Blending between Right Circular Cylinders with Parabolic Cyclides

Kenji Ueda

16:40 - 17:05

Constrained Shape Scaling of Multi-Surface Objects

Pifu Zhang, Caiming Zhang, and Fuhua (Frank) Cheng

17:05 - 17:30

B-spline Free-Form Deformation of Polygonal Objects through Fast Functional Composition

Jieqing Feng and Qunsheng Peng