GMP 2000    

Gerenal Information

Important Dates




Visitor Map


Conference Organization

Tourist Information

Early Registration
Deadline:          March 10, 2000
Registration Fee

HK$2,600. (one US dollar is officially pegged at 7.8 HK dollars.)
This fee includes one copy of the conference proceedings, a banquet, lunches, and refreshments.

Student registration 

Student registration fee for a full-time student is HK$1,200. This fee covers one copy of the conference proceedings, lunches and refreshments only. Student participants must produce official document(s) to certify thier full-time student status.

Late Registration

The registration fee will be HK$3,1000 after March 10, 2000, the deadline for early registration.


Registration will be acknowledged within two weeks after the registration form is received.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of registration before March 10, 2000 will be charged with a proceeding fee of HK$1,000. No cancellation of registration will be entertained after March 10, 2000.

How to Register?

Please donwload this registration form, fil it out, and return it by FAX to GMP 2000 registration secretary at (852)-2858 5415.

Download Registration Form [ pdf ] [ doc ] [ txt ]

Return Address

Send in the completed form by FAX to (852)-2858 5415 by March 10, 2000.

Secretary for GMP 2000

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The University of Hong Kong

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

Tel: (852)-2859 2653

Fax: (852)-2858 5415
