本頁會不斷更新。最近更新於 Last update: 2019-05-04[Sat] 22:00

演奏會及作品展覽詳情及安排 Details and arrangement of concert and exhibition:
* 演奏會及作品展覽日安排 Concert and Exhibition day arrangements
* 演奏會作品展覽日常見問題 Concert and Exhibition day frequently asked questions
* 表演/展覽名單:小學組 Performance/Exhibition Teams: Primary School
* 表演/展覽名單:中學組 Performance/Exhibition Teams: Secondary School
* 演奏會程序表 Concert Rundown
* 頒獎典禮 - 場刊 Rundown of Closing Ceremony
* 演奏會及作品展覽日海報 Poster of Concert and Exhibition day
* 會場平面圖 Floor plan of the venue
* 得奬名單 Award Winner List

評判 Judges:
小學組 Primary School
* 藝術與科技教育中心 陳章霖先生
Mr. CHAN Cheung-lam, Arts & Technology Education Centre
* 香港大學計算機科學系 葉志立博士
Dr. YIP Chi Lap Beta, Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong
中學組 Secondary School
* 教育局課程發展處(科技教育) 何慕貞女士
Ms. HO Mo-ching, Cathy, Curriculum Institute Development, Education Bureau
* 香港大學計算機科學系 Mr. George Mitcheson
Mr George Mitcheson, Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong
Outstanding Performance Award
* 音樂、錄像及多媒體藝術家 馮炳輝先生
Mr. Fung Bing Fai Makin, Musician, video and multimedia artist
* 藝術與科技教育中心 譚乃國先生
Mr. TAM Nai-kwok, Arts & Technology Education Centre
My Favourite Musical Instrument Award
* 入場公眾 Public visitors
Participants' Favourite Musical Instrument Award
* 參賽者 Participants

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