C.L. Wang's Publications (1993-2005)


High-Speed Networking

  • Anthony Tam and C.L. Wang, "Contention-Aware Communication Schedule For High-Speed Communication,'' Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Application, pp 339-353, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2003. (PAPER)  

  • C.L. Wang, A. Tam, B. Cheung, W. Zhu, and D. Lee,  “Directed Point: High Performance Communication Subsystem for Gigabit Networking in Clusters,” Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, pp. 401-420, 2002. (Postscript)

  • C. M. Lee, A. Tam, and C. L. Wang, ``Directed Point: An Efficient Communication Subsystem for Cluster Computing,'' The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (IASTED), October 1998. (PAPER)

  • R. Wong and C.L. Wang; ``Push-Pull Messaging: A High-Performance Communication Mechanism for Commodity SMP Cluster,’’ 1999 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP’99), September 21-24, 1999, Fukushima, Japan. (PAPER)

  • Anthony Tam and Cho-Li Wang, "Realistic Communication Model for Parallel Computing on Cluster,"  the First International Workshop on Cluster Computing, pp. 92-101, Dec. 2-3, 1999. (Postscript)

  • Wenzhang Zhu, David Lee, C.L. Wang, “High Performance Communication Subsystem for Clustering  Standard High-Volume Servers  using Gigabit Ethernet”, The 4th International Conference/Exhibition on   High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, pp. 184-189, May 14-17 HPC Asia 2000, May, 2000, Beijing, China. (Postscript)

  • R. Wong and C.L. Wang; “Efficient Reliable Broadcast for Commodity Clusters,”  The 4th International Conference/Exhibition on  High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, pp. 929-934, May 14-17, 2000, Beijing, China. (Postscript)

  • Anthony Tam and C.L. Wang, “Efficient Scheduling of Complete Exchange on Clusters,” The 13th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2000), Las Vegas, USA, August 2000, pp. 111-116, (PAPER, Postscript)

  • Anthony Tam and Cho-Li Wang, “Contention-Free Complete Exchange Algorithm on Clusters,” Cluster 2000 conference, November 28 - December 2, 2000, Technische University Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany, pp. 57-64 (PAPER) (Abstract in Word)

Irregularly Structured Computation

  • Yudong Sun and Cho-Li Wang, ``Solving Irregularly Structured Problems Based on Distributed Object Model,''  Parallel Computing, Vol.29, pp. 1539-1562, 2003. (pdf)

  • W. Liu, C.L. Wang, and V.K. Prasanna; ``Portable and Scalable Algorithm for Irregular All-to-All Communication,''  Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 6. No.10, October 2002, pp. 1493-1526. (pdf)

  • Wenheng Liu, Cho-Li Wang, and Viktor K. Prasanna, ``Portable Message-Passing Algorithms for Irregular All-to-All Communication,'' in The 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. page 428-435, Hong Kong, May, 1996. (Postscript) (pdf)

  • Y. Sun, Z. Liang, C.L. Wang; `` Distributed Object-Oriented Method for Particle Simulation,’’ The 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking Europe (HPCN Europe ’99), pp. 252-259, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 12-14, 1999. (Abstract) (Postscript)

  • Y. Sun, Z. Liang, C.L. Wang; `` Distributed Particle Simulation Method on Adaptive Collective System,’’ in the Special Issue "High Performance Numerical Methods and Applications"  Journal Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 18 issue 1, pp. 79-87, September 2001 (Postscript)

  • Y. Sun and C.L. Wang, ``A Distributed Object Model for Solving Irregularly Structured Problems on Clusters,'' Cluster Computing 2001, pp.187-190.

  • V. Prasanna and C-L. Wang, ``Parallelizing Vision Computations on CM-5: Algorithms and Experiences,'' International Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems, Geneva, August 1994.

 Cluster Monitoring Tools

  • Zhengyu Liang, Yudong Sun, and Cho-Li Wang, "ClusterProbe: An Open, Flexible and Scalable Cluster Monitoring Tool," The First International Workshop on Cluster Computing (IWCC’99), pp. 261-268,  Dec. 2-3, 1999.. (Postscript)

 Performance Benchmarking

  • Kai. Hwang, Choming Wang, C.L. Wang; and Z. Xu; "Resource Scaling Effects on MPP Performance: The STAP Benchmark Implications," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 10, No. 5, May 1999. (PAPER)

  • Choming Wang, C.L. Wang, and K. Hwang; "STAP Benchmark Evaluation of Three Massively Parallel Processors," 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, New Orleans, Louisana, USA, October 1-3, 1997. (Postscript)

  • Kai. Hwang, Choming Wang, and Cho-Li Wang; "Evaluating MPI Collective Communications on the SP2, T3D, and Paragon Multicomputers," Third International. Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-3), San Antonio, Texas, USA, February, 1997.(Postscript)

Heterogeneous Computing

  • A. Khokhar, M. Shaaban, V. Prasanna, and C-L. Wang, ``Heterogeneous Computing: Challenges and Opportunities,'' IEEE Computer, pp. 18-27, June 1993.

Parallel Image Understanding

  • Y. Chung, C.L. Wang, and V.K. Prasanna; "Parallel Algorithms for Perceptual Grouping on Distributed Memory Machines," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 123-143, Vol. 50, No. 1/2, April 10/May 1, 1998.

  • Cho-Li Wang, Yongwha Chung, and Viktor K Prasanna, ``Parallel Implementations of Perceptual Grouping Tasks on Distributed Memory Machines,'' Image Understanding Workshop, 1996.

  • Yongwha Chung,Viktor K Prasanna and Cho-Li Wang, ``Parallel Algorithms for Linear Approximation on Distributed Memory Machines,'' Image Understanding Workshop , 1996.

  • C-L. Wang, V. Prasanna, and Y. Lim, ``Parallelization of Perceptual Grouping on Distributed Memory Machines,'' IEEE Conference on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, September 1995.

  • V. Prasanna and C-L. Wang, ``Parallelism for Image Understanding,'' Chapter 36,   Parallel and Distributed Computing Handbook, Edited by Albert Zomaya, McGraw-Hill, 1995.

  • Y. Chung, V. Prasanna, and C-L. Wang, ``A Fast Asynchronous Algorithm for Linear Feature Extraction on IBM SP-2,'' IEEE Conference on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, September 1995.

  • C-L. Wang, V. K. Prasanna, H. Kim, and A. Khokhar, ``Scalable Data Parallel Implementations of Object Recognition using Geometric Hashing,'' Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, pages 96-109, March 1994.

  • V. Prasanna and C-L. Wang, ``Scalable Parallel Implementations of Perceptual Grouping on Connection Machine CM-5,'' International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pages 229-233, 1994.

  • V. Prasanna and C-L Wang, ``Image Feature Extraction on Connection Machine CM-5,'' Image Understanding Workshop, pages 595-602, November 1994.

  • V. Prasanna and C-L. Wang, ``Scalable Data Parallel Object Recognition using Geometric Hashing on CM-5,''  Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, 1994.

  • Cho-Li Wang, Phanth B. Bhat, and Viktor K. Prasanna, ``High Performance Computing for Vision,'' IEEE Proceedings, Special Issue on Parallel Architecture for Image Processing, pp. 931-946, July 1996.

  • V. Prasanna, C-L. Wang, and A. Khokhar, ``Low Level Vision Processing on Connection Machine CM-5,'' IEEE Conference on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, pages 117-126, 1993.

  • A. Khokhar, H-J. Kim, V. Prasanna, and C-L. Wang, ``Image Understanding on MasPar MP-1 and Connection Machine CM-5: Experiments and Performance Comparisons,'' Parallel Systems Fair at International Conference on Parallel Processing, 1993.