
Speech: Reliability and Usage Characteristics of Flash-Based Storage in Production Systems




Bianca is a full professor and Canada Research Chair in the Computer Science Department at the University of Toronto. Before joining UofT, she spent 2 years as a post-doc at Carnegie Mellon University working with Garth Gibson. She received her doctorate from the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University under the direction of Mor Harchol-Balter. She is an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, the recipient of the Outstanding Young Canadian Computer Science Prize of the Canadian Association for Computer Science, an Ontario Early Researcher Award, an NSERC Accelerator Award, a two-time winner of the IBM PhD fellowship and her work has won five best paper awards, one best presentation award and a Test of Time Award. She has served on numerous program committees and has co-chaired the TPCs of Systor 2020, Usenix FAST'14, ACM Sigmetrics'14 and IEEE NAS'11. Her work on the reliability of hard drives, solid state drives and DRAM have been featured in articles at a number of news sites, including Computerworld, Wired, Slashdot, PCWorld, StorageMojo and eWEEK.