My current research interests span distributed machine learning systems and algorithms, and intelligent elderly/health care technologies. My research features both performance modeling/algorithm design and design/implementation of various (networked) systems based on optimization theory and machine learning methods.

| Current Research Projects | Past Research Projects |

Current Research Projects

Project-iconDistributed Machine Learning Algorithms

       We work on deep understanding and efficient algorithm design for distributed machine learning.

      Junwei Su, Chuan Wu. "On the Topology Awareness and Generalization Performance of Graph Neural Networks," in The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Milan, Italy, Sep 29-Oct 4, 2024.

      Sheng Wang, Liheng Chen, Jiyue Jiang, Boyang Xue, Lingpeng Kong, Chuan Wu. "LoRA Meets Dropout under a Unified Framework," in The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Bangkok, Thailand, August 11 - 16, 2024.

      Sheng Wang, Boyang Xue, Jiacheng Ye, Jiyue Jiang, Liheng Chen, Ling- peng Kong, Chuan Wu. "PRoLoRA: Partial Rotation Empowers More Parameter-Efficient LoRA," in The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Bangkok, Thailand, August 11 - 16, 2024.

      Junwei Su, Difan Zou, Chuan Wu. "On the Limitation and Experience Replay for GNNs in Continual Learning," in the Third Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents (CoLLAs), Pisa, Italy, July 29 - August 01, 2024.

      Junwei Su, Difan Zou, Chuan Wu. "PRES: Toward Scalable Memory-Based Dynamic Graph Neural Networks," in The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Vienna, Austria, May 7-11, 2024.

      Junwei Su, Difan Zou, Zijun Zhang, Chuan Wu. "Towards Robust Graph Incremental Learning on Evolving Graphs," in the Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 23-29, 2023.

      Yangrui Chen, Jiaxuan Youb, Jun He, Yuan Lin, Yanghua Peng, Chuan Wu, Yibo Zhu. "SP-GNN: Learning Structure and Position Information from Graphs Learning Systems," in Elsevier Neural Networks Journal, vol. 161, pp. 505-514, April 2023.

      Yangrui Chen, Cong Xie, Meng Ma, Juncheng Gu, Yanghua Peng, Haibin Lin, Chuan Wu, Yibo Zhu. "SAPipe: Staleness-Aware Pipeline for Data Parallel DNN Training," in the Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), New Orleans, USA, November 29- December 1, 2022.

      Hanpeng Hu, Dan Wang, Chuan Wu. "Distributed Machine Learning through Heterogeneous Edge Systems," in AAAI, New York, USA, February 7-12, 2020.

Project-iconDistributed Machine Learning Systems

       We extensively study training and inference expedition for large-scale distributed machine learning from various perspectives, and build efficient distributed machine learning systems and AI cloud schedulers.

     ◼ DNN Systems
      Guangming Sheng, Chi Zhang, Zilingfeng Ye, Xibin Wu, Wang Zhang, Ru Zhang, Yanghua Peng, Haibin Lin, Chuan Wu. "HybridFlow: A Flexible and Efficient RLHF Framework," to appear in EuroSys 2025, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 30 - April 3, 2025. [project code available]

      Yuchen Zhong, Guangming Sheng, Juncheng Liu, Jinhui Yuan, Chuan Wu. "SWIFT: Expedited Failure Recovery for Large-scale DNN Training," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 35, pp. 1644-1656, September 2024. [project code available]

      Xiaoyang Zhao, Zhe Zhang, Chuan Wu. "AdapCC: Making Collective Communication in Distributed Machine Learning Adaptive," in the 44th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, July 23 - 26, 2024. [project code available]

      Juntao Zhao, Borui Wan, Yanghua Peng, Haibin Lin, Yibo Zhu, Chuan Wu. "QSync: Quantization-Minimized Synchronous Distributed Training Across Hybrid Devices," in the 38th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), San Francisco, USA, May 27-31, 2024. [project code available]

      Ye Tian, Zhen Jia, Ziyue Luo, Yida Wang, Chuan Wu. "DiffusionPipe: Training Large Diffusion Models with Efficient Pipelines," in the Seventh Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys), Santa Clara, USA, May 13 - 16, 2024.

      Chenyu Jiang, Ye Tian, Zhen Jia, Chuan Wu, Yida Wang, Shuai Zheng. "Lancet: Accelerating Mixture-of-Experts Training by Overlapping Weight Gradient Computation and All-to-All Communication," in the Seventh Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys), Santa Clara, USA, May 13 - 16, 2024.

      Chenyu Jiang, Zhen Jia, Shuai Zheng, Yida Wang, Chuan Wu. "DynaPipe: Optimizing Multi-task Training through Dynamic Pipelines," in EuroSys, Athens, Greece, April 22-25, 2024.

      Hanpeng Hu, Junwei Su, Juntao Zhao, Yanghua Peng, Yibo Zhu, Haibin Lin, Chuan Wu. "CDMPP: A Device-Model Agnostic Framework for Latency Prediction of Tensor Programs," in EuroSys, Athens, Greece, April 22-25, 2024.

      Shiwei Zhang, Lansong Diao, Chuan Wu, Zongyan Cao, Siyu Wang, Wei Lin. "HAP: SPMD DNN Training on Heterogeneous GPU Clusters with Automated Program Synthesis," in EuroSys, Athens, Greece, April 22-25, 2024.

      Shiwei Zhang, Xiaodong Yi, Lansong Diao, Chuan Wu, Siyu Wang, Wei Lin. "Expediting Distributed DNN Training with Device Topology-Aware Graph Deployment," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1281-1293, April 2023. [project code available]

      Xiaodong Yi, Shiwei Zhang, Lansong Diao, Chuan Wu, Zhen Zheng, Shiqing Fan, Siyu Wang, Jun Yang, Wei Lin. "Optimizing DNN Compilation for Distributed Training with Joint OP and Tensor Fusion," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 33, No. 12, pp. 4694 - 4706, December 2022. [project code available]

      Shiwei Zhang, Lansong Diao, Chuan Wu, Siyu Wang, Wei Lin. "Accelerating Large-Scale Distributed Neural Network Training with SPMD Parallelism," in the 13th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC'22), San Francisco, CA, Nobember 7-11, 2022. [project code available]

      Hanpeng Hu, Chenyu Jiang, Yuchen Zhong, Yanghua Peng, Chuan Wu, Yibo Zhu, Haibin Lin. "dPRO: A Generic Performance Diagnosis and Optimization Toolkit for Expediting Distributed DNN Training," in the Fifth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys), August 29 - September 1, 2022. [project code available]

      Ziyue Luo, Xiaodong Yi, Guoping Long, Shiqing Fan, Chuan Wu, Wei Lin. "Efficient Pipeline Planning for Expedited Distributed DNN Training," in IEEE INFOCOM, online, May 2-5, 2022.

      Zhe Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "Near-Optimal Topology-adaptive Parameter Synchronization in Distributed DNN Training," in IEEE INFOCOM, May 10-13, 2021.

      Shiqing Fan, Yi Rong, Chen Meng, Zongyan Cao, Siyu Wang, Zheng Zhen, Chuan Wu, Guoping Long, Jun Yang, Lixue Xia, Lansong Diao, Xiaoyong Liu, Wei Lin. "DAPPLE: A Pipelined Data Parallel Approach for Large Models Training," in the 26th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'21), Seoul, South Korea, February 27-March 3, 2021.

      Xiaodong Yi, Shiwei Zhang, Ziyue Luo, Guoping Long, Lansong Diao, Chuan Wu, Zhen Zheng, Jun Yang, Wei Lin. "Optimizing Distributed Training Deployment in Heterogeneous GPU Clusters," in ACM CoNEXT, Barcelona, Spain, December 1-4, 2020. [project code available]

      Xiaodong Yi, Ziyue Luo, Chen Meng, Mengdi Wang, Guoping Long, Chuan Wu, Jun Yang, Wei Lin. "Fast Training of Deep Learning Models over Multiple GPUs," in ACM/IFIP Middleware, Delft, The Netherlands, December 7-11, 2020. [project code available]

      Yangrui Chen, Yanghua Peng, Yixin Bao, Chuan Wu, Yibo Zhu, Chuanxiong Guo. "Elastic Parameter Server Load Distribution in Deep Learning Clusters," in ACM SOCC, Renton, WA, USA, October 19-21, 2020.

      Yanghua Peng, Yibo Zhu, Yangrui Chen, Yixin Bao, Bairen Yi, Chang Lan, Chuan Wu, Chuanxiong Guo. "A Generic Communication Scheduler for Distributed DNN Training Acceleration," in ACM SOSP, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada, October 27-30, 2019. [project code available]

     ◼ GNN Systems
      Guangming Sheng, Junwei Su, Chao Huang, Chuan Wu. "MSPipe: Efficient Temporal GNN Training via Staleness-aware Pipeline," in ACM KDD, Barcelona, Spain, August 25-29, 2024. [project code available]

      Bingqian Du, Jun Liu, Ziyue Luo, Chuan Wu, Qiankun Zhang, Hai Jin. "Expediting Distributed GNN Training with Feature-only Partition and Optimized Communication Planning," in IEEE INFOCOM, Vancouver, Canada, May 20-23, 2024.

      Borui Wan, Juntao Zhao, Chuan Wu. "Adaptive Message Quantization and Parallelization for Distributed Full-graph GNN Training," in the Sixth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys), Miami, USA, May 4-8, 2023. [project code available]

      Zhe Zhang, Ziyue Luo, Chuan Wu. "Two-level Graph Caching for Expediting Distributed GNN Training," in IEEE INFOCOM, New York, USA, May 17-20, 2023.

      Tianfeng Liu*, Yangrui Chen*, Dan Li, Chuan Wu, Yibo Zhu, Jun He, Yanghua Peng, Hongzheng Chen, Hongzhi Chen, Chuanxiong Guo. "BGL: GPU-Efficient GNN Training by Optimizing Graph Data I/O and Preprocessing," in the 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Boston, MA, USA, April 17-19, 2023. (*: co-first authors)

      Ziyue Luo, Yixin Bao, Chuan Wu. "Optimizing Task Placement and Online Scheduling for Distributed GNN Training Acceleration," in IEEE INFOCOM, online, May 2-5, 2022.

     ◼ AI Cluster Schedulers
      Xiaoyang Zhao, Siran Yang, Jiamang Wang, Lansong Diao, Lin Qu, Chuan Wu. "FaPES: Enabling Efficient Elastic Scaling for Serverless Machine Learning Platforms," in the 15th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC), Redmond, Washington, USA, November 20-22, 2024.

      Xiaoyang Zhao, Chuan Wu, Xia Zhu. "Dynamic Flow Scheduling for DNN Training Workloads in Data Centers," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. [project code available]

      Xiaoyang Zhao, Chuan Wu. "Large-scale Machine Learning Cluster Scheduling via Multi-agent Graph Reinforcement Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 4962-4974, December 2022.

      Yanghua Peng, Yixin Bao, Yangrui Chen, Chuan Wu, Chen Meng, Wei Lin. "DL2: A Deep Learning-driven Scheduler for Deep Learning Clusters," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 1947-1960, August 2021. [project code available]

      Yixin Bao, Yanghua Peng, Yangrui Chen, Chuan Wu. "Preemptive All-reduce Scheduling for Expediting Distributed DNN Training," in IEEE INFOCOM, Toronto, Canada, July 6-9, 2020.

      Yixin Bao, Yanghua Peng, Chuan Wu. "Deep Learning-based Job Placement in Distributed Machine Learning Clusters," in IEEE INFOCOM, Paris, France, April 29-May 2, 2019.

      Yanghua Peng, Yixin Bao, Yangrui Chen, Chuan Wu, Chuanxiong Guo. "Optimus: An Efficient Dynamic Resource Scheduler for Deep Learning Clusters," in EuroSys 2018, Porto, Portugal, April 23-26, 2018. [project code available]

      Yixin Bao, Yanghua Peng, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "Online Job Scheduling in Distributed Machine Learning Clusters," in IEEE INFOCOM, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 15-19, 2018.

Project-iconSmart Elderly/Health Care Technologies

       We are actively working on a number of machine learning/AI technologies for smart elderly/health care systems, including elderly walking support, safe-living activity monitoring, and psychotherapy.

      Jiyue Jiang, Sheng Wang, Qintong Li, Lingpeng Kong, Chuan Wu. "A Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Dialogue System with Multi-Source Knowledge Fusion for Elders with Cognitive Impairment," in the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Toronto, Canada, July 9-14, 2023.

      Chongyu Zhao, Wenzhi Guo, Rongwei Wen, Zheng Wang, Chuan Wu. "Deep Learning-driven Front-Following within Close Proximity: a Hands-Free Control Model on a Smart Walker," to appear in the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, USA, May 23-27, 2022.

      Le Fang, Yu Wu, Chuan Wu, Yizhou Yu. "A Non-Intrusive Elderly Home Monitoring System," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 2603-2614, February 2021.

      Xiaoyang Zhao, Zhi Zhu, MingShan Liu, Chongyu Zhao, Yafei Zhao, Jia Pan, Zheng Wang, Chuan Wu. "A Smart Robotic Walker with Intelligent Close-proximity Interaction Capabilities for Elderly Mobility Safety," in Frontiers in Neurorobotics, October 2020.

Project-iconResource Scheduling, Scaling, Pricing, and Data Migration in Cloud Data Centers or Geo-distributed Clouds

       We have studied cloud resource scheduling, scaling and pricing in various cloud systems. We design online and machine learning algorithms to achieve long-term optimal operation of the systems.

      Bingqian Du, Chuan Wu, Zhiyi Huang. "Learning Resource Allocation and Pricing for Cloud Profit Maximization," in the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 27-February 1, 2019.

      Xiaoxi Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zhiyi Huang, Zongpeng Li. "Occupation-Oblivious Pricing of Cloud Jobs via Online Learning," in the Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 15-19, 2018.

      Ruiting Zhou, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu, Zhiyi Huang. "An Efficient Cloud Market Mechanism for Computing Jobs with Soft Deadlines," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 793-805, April 2017.

      Weijie Shi, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "A Shapley-value Mechanism for Bandwidth On Demand between Datacenters," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.

      Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Virtual Machine Trading in a Federation of Clouds: Individual Profit and Social Welfare Maximization," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2016.

      Yu Wu, Zhizhong Zhang, Chuan Wu, Chuanxiong Guo, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Orchestrating Bulk Data Transfers across Geo-Distributed Datacenters", in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2017.

      Weijie Shi, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "An Online Mechanism for Dynamic Virtual Cluster Provisioning in Geo-Distributed Clouds," in IEEE INFOCOM 2016.

      Shengkai Shi, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "Cost-Minimizing Online VM Purchasing for Application Service Providers with Arbitrary Demands," in IEEE Cloud 2015.

      Xiaoxi Zhang, Zhiyi Huang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Online Auctions in IaaS Clouds: Welfare and Profit Maximization with Server Costs," in ACM SIGMETRICS 2015.

      Xiaoxi Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "A Truthful (1 - epsilon)-Optimal Mechanism for On-demand Cloud Resource Provisioning," in IEEE INFOCOM 2015.

      Weijie Shi, Linquan Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "An Online Auction Framework for Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Cloud Computing," in ACM SIGMETRICS 2014.

      Linquan Zhang, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu. "Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Cloud Computing: A Randomized Auction Approach," in IEEE INFOCOM 2014.

      Weijie Shi, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "RSMOA: A Revenue and Social Welfare Maximizing Online Auction for Dynamic Cloud Resource Provi- sioning," in ACM/IEEE IWQoS 2014.

       Xuanjia Qiu, Chuan Wu, Hongxing Li, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Federated Private Clouds via Broker's Marketplace: A Stackelberg- Game Perspective," in IEEE Cloud 2014.

      Jian Zhao, Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Zhizhong Zhang, Francis C.M. Lau. "Dynamic Pricing and Profit Maximization for the Cloud with Geo-distributed Data Centers," in IEEE INFOCOM 2014.

      Linquan Zhang, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu, Minghua Chen. "Online Algorithms for Uploading Deferrable Big Data to The Cloud," in IEEE INFOCOM 2014.

      Linquan Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Chuanxiong Guo, Minghua Chen, Francis C.M. Lau. "Moving Big Data to The Cloud: An Online Cost-Minimizing Approach," in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Networking Challenges in Cloud Computing Systems and Applications, 2013.

      Xuanjia Qiu, Wai Leong Yeow, Chuan Wu, Francis C.M. Lau. "Cost-Minimizing Preemptive Scheduling of MapReduce Workloads on Hybrid Clouds," in ACM/IEEE IWQoS 2013.

Past Research Projects

Project-iconNFV, Datacenter Systems

       We have studied and built various NFV/SDN-based systems, and datacenter networks.

       Xiaodong Yi, Junjie Wang, Jingpu Duan, Wei Bai, Chuan Wu, Yongqiang Xiong, Dongsu Han. "FlowShader: a Generalized Framework for GPU-accelerated VNF Flow Processing," in IEEE ICNP, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 7-10, 2019.

       Jingpu Duan, Chuan Wu, Franck Le, Alex X. Liu, Yanghua Peng. "Dynamic Scaling of Virtualized, Distributed Service Chains: A Case Study of IMS," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) Special issue on Emerging Technologies in Software-driven Communication, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 2501-2511, November 2017.

       Xiaodong Yi, Jingpu Duan, Chuan Wu. ''GPUNFV: a GPU-Accelerated NFV System," in APNet 2017.

       Yanghua Peng, Ji Yang, Chuan Wu, Chuanxiong Guo, Chengchen Hu, Zongpeng Li. "deTector: a Topology-aware Monitoring System for Data Center Networks," in the 2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC'17), Santa Clara, CA, USA, July 12-14, 2017.

       Yongzheng Jia, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Franck Le, Alex Liu. "Online Scaling of NFV Service Chains across Geo-distributed Datacenters," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 699-710, April 2018.

       Xiaoke Wang, Chuan Wu, Franck Le, Francis C.M. Lau. "Online Learning-Assisted VNF Service Chain Scaling with Network Uncertainties," in IEEE Cloud 2017.

       Linquan Zhang, Shangqi Lai, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Chuanxiong Guo. "Virtualized Network Coding Functions on the Internet," in IEEE ICDCS 2017.

       Xiaoxi Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Proactive VNF Provisioning with Multi-timescale Cloud Resources: Fusing Online Learning and Online Optimization," in IEEE INFOCOM 2017.

       Xiaoxi Zhang, Zhiyi Huang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "An Online Stochastic Buy-Sell Mechanism for VNF Chains in the NFV market," in IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Game Theory for Networks 2017.

       Xiaoke Wang, Chuan Wu, Franck Le, Alex Liu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Online VNF Scaling in Datacenters," in IEEE Cloud 2016.

       Sijia Gu, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu, Chuanhe Huang. "An Efficient Auction Mechanism for Service Chains in the NFV Market," in IEEE INFOCOM 2016.

       Shunyi Xu, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "Software Defined Mobile Multicast," in IEEE MASS 2015.

      Jingpu Duan, Zhi Wang, Chuan Wu. "Responsive Multipath TCP in SDN-based Datacenters," in IEEE ICC 2015.

Project-iconData Center Demand Response

       We have studied efficient incentive mechanisms and resource schedulers for data center demand resource.

       Qihang Sun, Shaolei Ren, Chuan Wu. "Fair Online Power Capping for Emergency Handling in Multi-Tenant Cloud Data Centers," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.

       Qihang Sun, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Shaolei Ren. "Colocation Demand Response: Joint Online Mechanisms for Individual Utility and Social Welfare Maximization," in IEEE JSAC - Series on Green Communications and Networking, 2016.

       Qihang Sun, Shaolei Ren, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "An Online Incentive Mechanism for Emergency Demand Response in Geo-Distributed Colocation Data Centers," in ACM e-Energy 2016 (Best Paper Award).

      Qihang Sun, Chuan Wu, Shaolei Ren, Zongpeng Li. "Fair Rewarding in Colocation Data Center: Truthful Mechanism for Emergency Demand Response," in ACM/IEEE IWQoS 2015.

      Linquan Zhang, Shaolei Ren, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "A Truthful Incentive Mechanism for Emergency Demand Response in Colocation Data Centers," in IEEE INFOCOM 2015.

      Linquan Zhang, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu. "Randomized Auction Design for Electricity Markets between Grids and Microgrids," in ACM SIGMETRICS 2014.

Project-iconOptimal Design of Internet/Mobile Applications on Cloud Computing Platforms

      We investigate the optimal design of content distribution and social networking applications on the newly emerged cloud computing platforms. Especially, we target at the most flexible IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) cloud computing model and cloud systems spanning multiple geographical locations, possibly a hybrid of on-premise private clouds and public clouds. We design the best content replication and request distribution strategies, that guide the operation of the large-scale applications on the go, for ultimate operational cost minimization. We apply convex optimization and online optimization techniques (e.g., Lyapunov optimization), and implement prototype systems on Amazon EC2 and Google App Engine.

publication-icon Representative Publications:

      Yu Wu, Chuan Wu, Bo Li, Linquan Zhang, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Scaling Social Media Applications into Geo-Distributed Clouds," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2015.

      Xiaoxi Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Online Cost Minimization for Operating Geo-distributed Cloud CDNs," in ACM/IEEE IWQoS 2015.

      Zhi Wang, Lifeng Sun, Chuan Wu, Wenwu Zhu, Shiqiang Yang. "Joint Online Transcoding and Geo-distributed Delivery for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming," in IEEE INFOCOM 2014.

      Yu Wu, Chuan Wu, Bo Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "vSkyConf: Cloud-assisted Multi-party Mobile Video Conferencing," in the Second Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) Workshop, in conjunction with ACM SIGCOMM 2013, Hong Kong, August 12, 2013.

       Yu Wu, Zhizhong Zhang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "CloudMoV: Cloud-based Mobile Social TV," in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, special issue on Cloud-Based Mobile Media - Infrastructure, Services and Applications, 2013.

      Xuanjia Qiu, Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Cost-Minimizing Dynamic Migration of Content Distribution Services into Hybrid Clouds," in IEEE INFOCOM 2012.

      Yu Wu, Chuan Wu, Bo Li, Xuanjia Qiu, Francis C.M. Lau. "CloudMedia: When Cloud on Demand Meets Video on Demand," in IEEE ICDCS 2011.

Project-iconMeasurement, Modeling and Design of Online and Mobile Social Networks

      We have done interesting measurements of online social networks (OSN) including Renren and YouKu, to reveal the influence propagation process in such OSNs. We also seek to model the forwarding phenomenon in social networks, using stochastic models. Design of novel mobile social networking systems and better content distribution systems facilitated by users' social relationships, is also part of the spectrum.

publication-icon Representative Publications:

      Yixin Bao, Xiaoke Wang, Zhi Wang, Chuan Wu, Francis C.M. Lau. "Online Influence Maximization in Non-Stationary Social Networks," in ACM/IEEE IWQoS 2016.

      Zhi Wang, Lifeng Sun, Chuan Wu, Shiqiang Yang. "Enhancing Internet-scale Video Service Deployment Using Microblog-based Prediction," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2015.

      Shengkai Shi, Zhi Wang, Chuan Wu, Xiaojun Lin. "Characterizing Cascade Dynamics in a Microblogging System," in IEEE ICC 2014.

      Hongxian Sun, Chuan Wu. "Epidemic Forwarding in Mobile Social Networks," in IEEE ICC 2012.

      Zhi Wang, Lifeng Sun, Chuan Wu, Shiqiang Yang. "Guiding Internet-Scale Video Service Deployment Using Microblog-based Prediction," in IEEE INFOCOM 2012.

Project-iconOptimal Design of Cross-Layer Protocols for Cognitive Radio Networks with Socially Selfish Nodes

      Novelly considering social selfishness properties (i.e., willing to help friends but not strangers) of secondary users, we design dynamic, optimal protocols for joint spectrum allocation, routing and end-to-end rate control of unicast and multicast in cognitive radio networks. The dynamic algorithm is guaranteed to approximate long-term optimality, based on stochastic Lyapunov optimization theory.

publication-icon Representative Publications:

      Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li. "Socially-Optimal Online Spectrum Auctions for Secondary Wireless Communication," in IEEE INFOCOM 2015.

      Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Socially-optimal Multi-hop Secondary Communication under Arbitrary Primary User Mechanisms," in IEEE INFOCOM 2013.

      Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Wei Huang, Francis C.M. Lau. "Stochastic Optimal Multirate Multicast in Socially Selfish Wireless Networks," in IEEE INFOCOM 2012.

      Hongxing Li, Wei Huang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Utility-Maximizing Data Dissemination in Socially Selfish Cognitive Radio Networks," in IEEE MASS 2011.

Project-iconIncentive Engineering in Social and Peer-to-Peer Networks

      Incentive engineering is critical in modern networking systems with selfish participants, where participants' resource contribution decides data dissemination performance, e.g., peer-to-peer systems, online/mobile social networks. We design efficient incentive mechanisms for achieving high-performance content distribution, using auction theory and optimization, together with effective scheduling of the resources.

publication-icon Representative Publications:

      Zhi Wang, Chuan Wu, Lifeng Sun, Shiqiang Yang. "Peer-Assisted Social Media Streaming With Social Reciprocity," in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2013.

      Jian Zhao, Chuan Wu. "Socially-optimal ISP-aware P2P Content Distribution via a Primal-Dual Approach," in HotPOST 2014.

      Xuanjia Qiu, Wei Huang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "Exploring the Sustainability of Credit-incentivized Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution," in HotPOST 2012 (Best Paper Award).

      Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Xuanjia Qiu, Francis C.M. Lau. "Auction-based P2P VoD Streaming: Incentives and Optimal Scheduling," in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2012.

Project-iconModeling and Optimization of Peer-to-Peer Systems

      To solicit useful insights for performance optimization in practical P2P (peer-to-peer) systems, we model different P2P systems from multiple angles, e.g., traffic locality vs. download performance, distributed control vs. optimal streaming capacity. Intriguing insights are derived from these analytically studies, which can guide practical P2P systems towards minimum control overhead and desirable traffic localization.

publication-icon Representative Publications:

      Jian Zhao, Chuan Wu, Xiaojun Lin. "Locality-aware Streaming in Hybrid P2P-Cloud CDN Systems", in Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Journal, Special Issue on P2P Cloud Systems, 2015.

      Can Zhao, Jian Zhao, Xiaojun Lin, Chuan Wu. "Capacity of P2P On-Demand Streaming with Simple, Robust and Decentralized Control," in IEEE INFOCOM 2013.

      Jian Zhao, Chuan Wu. "Characterizing Locality-aware P2P Streaming," in Journal of Communications, 2012.

      Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao. "On Dynamic Server Provisioning in Multichannel P2P Live Streaming," in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2011.

      Can Zhao, Xiaojun Lin, Chuan Wu. "The Streaming Capacity of Sparsely-Connected P2P Systems with Distributed Control," in IEEE INFOCOM 2011.

      Wei Huang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau. "The Performance and Locality Tradeoff in BitTorrent-like File Sharing Systems," in Springer Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Journal, 2014.

      Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Zongpeng Li. "Dynamic Bandwidth Auctions in Multioverlay P2P Streaming with Network Coding," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2008.

Project-iconMeasurement of Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems

      We conducted extensive measurements of a large-scale P2P streaming system, UUSee, and evaluated its performance from various aspects. Useful observations have been applied to improve the performance of this real-world system.

publication-icon Representative Publications:

      Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao. "Diagnosing Network-wide P2P Live Streaming Inefficiencies," in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2012.

      Zimu Liu, Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao. "UUSee: Large-Scale Operational On-Demand Streaming with Random Network Coding," in IEEE INFOCOM 2010.

      Zimu Liu, Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao. "Distilling Superior Peers in Large-Scale P2P Streaming Systems," in IEEE INFOCOM 2009.

      Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao. "Exploring Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming Topologies," in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2008.

      Chuan Wu, Baochun Li, Shuqiao Zhao. "Characterizing Peer-to-Peer Streaming Flows," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Advances in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems, 2007.

© 2007-2025 Chuan Wu. Last updated January 2025.